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Jon Barker, Thomas, Venus In Fur, THEATREWORKS Colorado

"As Thomas, Jon Barker is appropriately captivated by this unlikely Venus without disappearing completely in her shadow. The pair (Jon Barker and Carley Cornelius) have extraordinary chemistry together, both in acting out the play-within-the-play and arguing over its interpretation. Kissinger said power is the ultimate aphrodisiac, and both Cornelius and Barker wield it expertly, making for a sizzling evening of dominance, submission, and everything in between."

Christi Esterle,

"Barker captures an infuriated, thrilled, undone Thomas."

Lisa Kennedy, The Denver Post

"This is a marvelous script, with a gifted cast in the hands of an experienced director.  The result is mesmerizing…"

Bill Wheeler, Theater Colorado

"Barker meets her (Carley Cornelius) at every turn, and subtly ups the ante when called upon to do so."
Terry Gibson, The Independent

Vanda (Carley Cornelius) and Thomas (Jon Barker), THEATREWORKS Colorado

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