"...(Jon Barker's) delicate interpretation of the scene where the sorrowing Pericles recognizes his long-lost daughter is especially moving."
Michael Sommers, The New York Times

Pericles (Jon Barker) and Chorus/Cerimon (Corey Tazmania), photo credit: Jerry Dalia, The Shakespeare Theatre of NJ
"Barker gives a poignant performance as a man haunted and nearly wrecked by grief —before the play’s end he crumples to the ground, barely able to speak — but still capable of heartwarming wonder, gratitude and courage."
Ronni Reich, The Star Ledger
"Ms. (Lindsey) Kyler, a strikingly powerful performer, and Mr. Barker, transform this sentimental encounter into theater magic. This is where the true Shakespeare reveals himself in peerless verse.
There wasn’t a dry eye in the house."
Bob Brown, Princeton Packet
"Jon Barker is superbly cast in a leading role where he steals the stage with noble battle, bravery and a display of emotions both high and low."
Julie Ramsey, Picture Book Reviews
"Once again, Jon Barker displays the acting chops and authentic persona to be the leading man in any play and the uncanny ability to find the laughs in the straightest of straight-man roles."
Thom Molyneaux, NorthJersey.com
"Jon Barker is appropriately steady and restrained as Pericles, the buffeted center of the play without whose dogged steadiness the showier performances would have no anchor."
Bob Rendell, Talkin' Broadway
"Jon Barker masters his role as Pericles, the character who experiences a lifetime fraught with conflict and lost loves."
Marina Kennedy, Broadwayworld.com
"The virile, good-looking Barker is terrific as the dashing, sea-tossed young prince…"
Simon Saltzman, CurtainUp
"Mr. Barker appears to be the Mark Rylance of this company. Whenever a role requires a leading man who can duel with a sword, caper about in leaps and bounds, be tender with babies, be believable in comedy or tragedy, and hot in love scenes, there appears Mr. Barker."
Ralph Malachowski, OutINJersey.net
"…the fine acting of Jon Barker brings the play to life."
Bruce Chadwick, History News Network
"Barker is especially moving in Act II when his reason for living is all but destroyed until he rediscovers his daughter."
Liz Kreill, The Alternative Press
"Jon Barker as Pericles commands our attention whenever he's onstage. He manages to infuse the essentially cardboard character with sympathy and humanity. His farewell to his recently dead bride
is heart-breaking. His sword-fighting skills are once again on display,
but his metamorphosis from dashing young king to grieving father
is most astounding."
Ruth Ross, NJ Arts Maven
"Jon Barker, one of the company's most talented leading men, is excellent as Pericles..."
Rick Busciglio, The Examiner