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the school for wives
The School for Wives

Arnolphe (Bruce Cromer) and Horace (Jon Barker), photo credit: Gerry Goodstein, The Shakespeare Theatre of NJ

The School for Wives

Horace (Jon Barker) and Arnolphe (Bruce Cromer), photo credit: Gerry Goodstein, The Shakespeare Theatre of NJ

The School for Wives

Arnolphe (Bruce Cromer) and Horace (Jon Barker), photo credit: Gerry Goodstein, The Shakespeare Theatre of NJ

The School for Wives

Arnolphe (Bruce Cromer) and Horace (Jon Barker), photo credit: Gerry Goodstein, The Shakespeare Theatre of NJ

The School for Wives

Horace (Jon Barker) and Arnolphe (Bruce Cromer), photo credit: Gerry Goodstein, The Shakespeare Theatre of NJ

The School for Wives

Arnolphe (Bruce Cromer) and Horace (Jon Barker), photo credit: Gerry Goodstein, The Shakespeare Theatre of NJ

The School for Wives

Horace (Jon Barker) and Arnolphe (Bruce Cromer), photo credit: Gerry Goodstein, The Shakespeare Theatre of NJ

The School for Wives

Arnolphe (Bruce Cromer) and Horace (Jon Barker), photo credit: Gerry Goodstein, The Shakespeare Theatre of NJ

The School for Wives

Arnolphe (Bruce Cromer) and Horace (Jon Barker), photo credit: Gerry Goodstein, The Shakespeare Theatre of NJ

The School for Wives

Horace (Jon Barker), photo credit: Gerry Goodstein, The Shakespeare Theatre of NJ

The School for Wives

Horace (Jon Barker) and Arnolphe (Bruce Cromer), photo credit: Gerry Goodstein, The Shakespeare Theatre of NJ

The School for Wives

Horace (Jon Barker) and Arnolphe (Bruce Cromer), photo credit: Gerry Goodstein, The Shakespeare Theatre of NJ

The School for Wives

Horace (Jon Barker), photo credit: Gerry Goodstein, The Shakespeare Theatre of NJ

The School for Wives

Horace (Jon Barker), Georgette (Kristie Dale Sanders), Alain (Greg Jackson), Agnes (Erin Partin) and Arnolphe (Bruce Cromer), photo credit: Gerry Goodstein, The Shakespeare Theatre of NJ

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