“Mr. Barker, always a vivid presence, is droll as the vain, high strung Actor, who tweaks his anxious brow with his fingers and sometimes drops to his knees in delicious agony. Donning a wig, a mustache and gold embroidered regalia as the guardsman, Mr. Barker lowers his vocal pitch, assumes Slavic accents and turns ever so gallant. The confusion he displays between the two identities in the second act is comical to behold.” Michael Sommers, The New York Times

“Jon Barker masters the part of The Actor and assumes the identity of the guardsman with ease. Barker is in complete command of both of these roles whether he is dealing with jealousy or anxiety.”
Marina Kennedy, Broadwayworld.com
“Jon Barker had a field day delivering “the Count’s” lines with earnestness bordering on begrudging sincerity and then instantly shifting ensuing lines to reflect his, the husband’s, naturally expected reaction to the Count’s various “successes” at wooing his wife, effectively playing both roles at once.”
Richard Carter, Examiner.com
“Barker makes the humorous foolishness and absurd egotism of The Actor part and parcel of the fear caused by his perception of the fragility of his situation.”
Bob Rendell, Talkin' Broadway
“…(Barker) jaunts about the stage with whimsical swagger, and his childlike desperation elicits big laughs.” Jonathon Edmondson, The Star Ledger
The Actor (Jon Barker), photo credit: Jerry Dalia, The Shakespeare Theatre of NJ, 2015
“Jon Barker, probably the company's most versatile actor brings energy, humor and commitment to the role of the Actor.” NorthJersey.com
“… Barker does an excellent job of vacillating between the suave Guardsman in the company of Hélène and the perpetually nervous Actor…”
Patrick Maley, Exeunt
“Barker vacillates between noisy, bombastic tantrums and wily plotting, all the while arousing our sympathy for a man who is obviously besotted with his wife and terrified that she has stopped loving him. Barker does not play his role for laughs; the scrapes The Actor finds himself in are hilarious…” Ruth Ross, NJ Arts Maven
“Mr. Barker is a master at towering rages. From the first scene to the last, Mr. Barker especially can pull out all the stops.”
Bob Brown, CentralJersey.com
“Barker’s Actor starts at over the top, and goes from sturm to drang in milliseconds, for a whiplash ride of delight. He’s so compelling that (Brent) Harris’ Critic is soon on the roller coaster with him and their chemistry is delightful, as they alternate among all of the steps between funny man and straight man.”
Sherri Rase, QonStage.com
“Barker moves easily between roles and personalities. His moments of over the top drama are funny but he is poignant in his quest to find if love is truly his.” Karen Nowosad, Examiner.com
“Barker is sidesplittingly hilarious as he paces, screams, falls to his knees, pines, sulks and does all manner of theatrics as he oozes jealousy, lovesickness, vanity, pride and pain. Barker throws himself into the roles with his whole body and being.
He is outrageous and charming in every scene. His performance alone is worth the price of admission.”
Janine M. Torsiello, Morris Beats